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St. Elizabeth School of Nursing is a direct admit program. Students who meet admission requirements are enrolled in the nursing program and begin nursing courses and clinicals the very first semester. For questions about admission requirements, please call Kelly Hudson at (765) 423-6285.

A Prospective Applicant Must:

Be a United States Citizen or a Permanent Resident of the United States. Graduate of a state-approved high school or its equivalent. Equivalency is based on satisfactory completion of the General Educational Development Test (GED)/High School Equivalency test (HiSET). High school graduates must have a grade point average of “C” or better based on college preparation courses, achieve grades of “C” or better in required high school courses.

High School Courses

  • Algebra – 2 semesters
  • Biology – 2 semesters
  • Chemistry – 2 semesters
  • English – 8 semesters (including English Composition).

Consideration will be given to an applicant who does not meet the above requirements but has demonstrated success on the college level. Applicants who have taken comparable college courses must submit an official transcript for consideration.


Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) admission test passed at the Proficient level.

TEAS Exemption

A student applying for admission is EXEMPT from the TEAS requirement if he/she is: A recent high school graduate within three (3) years with a high school GPA of 3.5 or above AND a Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score of 1000 combined on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math or an American College Test (ACT) composite score of 22. Or, a student with college transfer credit of 30 or more hours completed AND a transfer GPA of 3.3 or above.

When to Apply

A student may apply for admission any time after having completed six semesters of high school. It is suggested that applications be submitted EARLY. A student may begin in the Nursing Program in either Fall or Spring semesters. Admissions are closed as soon as all clinical spaces allotted for each semester are filled. Spaces are closing earlier and earlier each year so early application is necessary to reserve your spot. Notification of admission is made on a rolling basis. Students are notified of their admissions status very soon after all required documents have been received.

A Prospective Applicant Should:

  1. Complete the application and return it to:

    Admissions Office
    St. Elizabeth School of Nursing
    1501 Hartford Street, Lafayette, IN 47904
    Or you can apply online

  2. Have one (1) official high school transcript and/or GED/HiSET scores sent to the Admissions Office, School of Nursing.
  3. Submit one (1) official transcript of any post-high school college level courses/degree.
  4. Submit official transcript of TEAS. Admission to clinical nursing requires score of Proficient or above. TEAS registration can be found at and transcripts must be current within three years of applying.
  5. For more details on Admission Requirements, please refer to the official Student Handbook and the policy titled, “Admission to Cooperative Nursing Program Policy.”